Meet Elyse
Elyse has been working in the Disability Sector since 2011 in various roles as a Support Worker, Support Coordinator, Case Management, Teacher's Aid and Team Leader.
She has worked in Supported Independent Living, Community Support, Drop-in Supports, Respite and Schools.
Elyse has knowledge in transitions out of the Health System, Justice System, assisting with Supported Independent Living and Specialist Disability Accommodation Transitions, working alongside Department of Education, Department of Community Justice, Social Housing and liaising with Local Members of Parliament.
Elyse has been a Support Coordinator since the roll out of the NDIS and has been a Specialist Support Coordinator for 3 years.
Having personal experiences with loved ones with disabilities, Elyse is passionate in providing support to her participants and working alongside them to meet their goals.
Bachelor of Arts Major in Behavioural Science